Monday 17 June 2013

The Little Frog

Are you doing what you always wanted to do?

There's something that Miles Monroe once said that struck me. He said the richest place on earth is - not the diamond mines of South Africa, not the Federal Reserve but - the cemetery. Now at first I was disturbed but he went on to explain. A cemetery is a place where people are laid to rest. People who had great dreams and potential but never got around to fulfilling it: Books that were never written, songs that were never sang, discoveries that were never made.

So the question is: Why don't people live their dreams?

I recall a famous story about little frogs that goes something like this...

There was once a group of little frogs that held a big race.
The goal was to reach the top of a very tall tower.
A huge crowd gathered round to SPECTATE and cheer .
And the race began...
Honestly, no one in the crowd believed that any of the contestants would reach the top.
So as the frogs were running, they heard voices from the crowd.
It's too high. They can never reach the top. It's too difficult. It has never been done.
The tiny frogs began to collapse.
Some in a fresh drive began climbing higher and higher.
But the higher they went the louder the voices became. It's too hard! They won't make it!
The frogs grew tired and dropped out of the race...
Except for this one frog who went higher and higher.
This one wouldn't give up.
And he pushed on till he reached the top of the tower.
Naturally, all the frogs wanted to know his secret.
Turns out, the winner was DEAF.

Now in life we all have dreams.
And where there are dreams, there are haters.
Voices looking to discourage you from the calling God placed in your heart. It will never work. It has never been done. You don't have enough money. You don't have the support. You're not of the right gender. You're not of the right race. Why can't you just be like everyone else?

We can choose to hear the voices and drop out of the race. Or we can choose to stay true to the dream God placed in our hearts.

And by the way... when you give up on your dream, lots of people suffer. Many could have benefited from it... but you will never know.

Obstacles will definitely show up. Potholes will appear. Doors will be shut. Phones will go unanswered. People will try to convince you how it's impossible.

But those who will be deaf to the negativity... they are the ones who will succeed. Those who will be blind to the prospect of failure... they will get to live their dreams.

This is your chance... show us what you've got.

Wednesday 5 June 2013


According to Steven Covey, author of Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, a paradigm is the lens through which we see the world.

Paradigm  - Dictionary definition: A set of assumptions, concepts, values and practices that constitute a way of viewing reality for the community that shares them.

Let me break it down in a less boring way.

Imagine yourself wearing a pair of glasses. Would you see clearly? Picture yourself driving with a broken windshield. Would you go far?

A paradigm is like a pair of glasses or a windshield. It is the eyes we use to see the world. And how we see the world influences how we act.

For example, I was always TOLD that dogs are vicious monstrous creatures. To make things better, we had two huge German Shepherds growing up. I would NEVER leave the house if they weren’t in their kennels. I would imagine that if I ever met with them, they’d tear me to pieces. This fear grew with me till adulthood. It was so profound that if I saw a dog lying on the road, I’d go back to wherever it is I was coming from.

A few months ago, I visited the countryside and there were dogs everywhere. One day, while I was home alone, a huge puppy came running towards me. I thought, “This is it! Goodbye cruel world.” But she just licked my hands and smiled. I couldn’t say that I got over my fear of dogs that day but after constant exposure that fear faded.
Now there are many things that we are told as children or even adults. Many times people didn’t actually say it but you could see it through their actions. You are too slow, you’re not smart enough, you are too fat, you are not strong enough, you’ll never amount to anything, you are not as pretty as she is, why can’t you be like him… And the list is endless. 

These distorted views end up affecting our lives from our relationships, to our careers, our finances and even our happiness. 

However, the good news about paradigms is that they can be changed. It all starts with looking at your beliefs. What are they and where do they come from? Are they true? 

People project their own flaws onto you. For example, a person who chooses to talk to people of a certain class, race or social status, only shows how shallow THEY are. It has nothing to do with you. A parent who favors a child over another because they are athletic, shows how flawed THEY are. Has nothing to do with you. A teacher who says you'll never amount to anything, shows how incompetent THEY are. It has absolutely nothing to do with you.

When we were children, we took everything as gospel truth. As adults we can CHOOSE to IGNORE the negativity and only believe the TRUTH about ourselves. 

We can CHANGE our paradigms. We can dig deeper into who we really are as opposed as to what people want us to be.

And it all starts with changing our beliefs. Here’s one… You are fearfully and wonderfully made. Don’t let anyone tell you anything different.


Monday 27 May 2013


She was to be a winter's child but she was born in spring. They said she'd never speak but then she did at three. A February's baby born in March, her parents thought it was a curse. Their girl loved to take her time so they named her 'Late'. Late was late in getting up, growing up and catching up. She was late to class, late to church and late to work. She delayed in arriving, delayed in learning and delayed in understanding. She made headlines because she couldn't meet deadlines. The pastor would see her tip toe to a pew just before the grace was said. He'd shake his head and whisper a prayer. A few suitors left her wounded; she was late in loving. By the time she fell for them, it was too late.

One day Miss Late sat by a tree, late in the afternoon. There walked an old man in his late seventies. "Why the long face?" he asked. She took her time, "Because I'm always late," she replied.

"Three things", he said.

The sun rises in the east and sets in the west... No matter how fast or slow we do our things, it always has and always will.

A caterpillar is quite unsightly. But day by day, the slow caterpillar changes into a beautiful butterfly.

The tortoise is unforgivably slow. But by one hundred years, he will outlive us all.

As she thought about his words, the old man began to walk away. "Sir, what do they call you?" Miss Late asked. "Wisdom", he smiled and replied.

We live in a world that believes in instant things: Instant coffee, instant shower, instant success... and the list is endless. But the things that endure are those that take time. Should I talk of precious diamonds and the millions of years it took to form them? Should I talk of a baby in a mother's womb? Should I talk of talent and the years it takes to perfect? Should I talk of a tree and the years it takes to grow?

Real relationships take time. Real success takes time. Real love takes time. Real talent takes time. Real knowledge takes time. Real... well real everything takes time.

And the beauty of the wisdom is in knowing the difference; the difference between perceived lateness or success in the making.


Sunday 5 May 2013


One of the most exciting things about my home is that it borders the great Mt. Kenya forest, home to hundreds of elephants and millions of indigenous trees. Out of the millions, there is one tree in particular that stands out. Some call it the "Great Oak Tree", we call it "King Muuru".

What is so special about this tree? It is the only one of its kind that is STILL STANDING. It is rumored to be hundreds of years old. My great grandfather spoke of its greatness during his time.

When you first enter that part of the forest, you only see hundreds of tall trees. But when you keep going you'll meet this wooden wall that seems to vanish into the heavens; a real 'Jack and the Bean Stalk' kind of experience. When you step back, you realize the wall is actually part of a tree trunk. So big is this trunk that the locals have carved a room in it (with no detriment to the tree) that can fit 20 people at a go.

Some months ago, I went through an experience that came a close second in my "Life's worst experiences". Although I have been betrayed before, this one struck me the hardest. I used to think that animals are cruel until I met this heartless species called 'Homo Sapien Sapien'. Only they can take a shot gun and blow a hole through your chest (figuratively speaking) and call you two weeks later to find out how you are doing. My friend may have as well thrown me under the bus then after that strapped me on a railway line. The aftermath would be the same.

All betrayals involve: A trusted/loved one, a position of vulnerability/trust, a breach of that trust. Whether it is being cheated on, losing a job, a friend broadcasting your secret or a loved one taking advantage of your weakness, betrayal can be nasty and some people never recover from it.

I was stuck in a moment. But one day I remembered King Muuru. I remembered how I first saw him as a child. He was tall and majestic just like today. I wondered how he had survived years of deforestation, rain storms, elephant trampling and drought. Other trees had gone through the same but didn't make it.

Storms come but it is our reaction towards them that is especially important. Be patient in affliction and CHOOSE to see the bright side. REFUSE to play the victim and CHOOSE to be happy. Instead of dwelling on what happened, LOOK at what you have.

Someday, it will be OVER. This is a SEASON and it shall END. And you will look back and realize that the pain of yesterday made you stronger, wiser and happier. What's IN FRONT of you is different from what's behind you. 

And one day, after the season of deforestation, storms and drought, like the Great Oak Tree, you will find that you are one in a million because you are STILL STANDING.

Thursday 25 April 2013

Beautiful Beginnings

When you look at your life right now, are you thankful to God for the place you’re in? Or do you wonder “Why is life so unfair”?

A few years ago, my father planted a bamboo shoot in our backyard. He would water it day after day. He observed it after one week… there was no change, after two weeks… nothing. Weeks turned into months and months turned into years… STILL NOTHING!! He eventually gave up. Then one day, I noticed something interesting; the bamboo shoot had grown slightly. Within a few weeks, there were several shoots over 20m tall. Needless to say, we now have a forest.

Similarly, we may start small just like the bamboo shoot. Many of us work hard in school knowing that we will secure a great job in a great company. But after we leave school, the truth is, only a handful of people end up getting those “great jobs”. Most of us end up at the very bottom of the food chain, working in an unknown, perhaps unlicensed company, filing papers and running errands for the boss. Others who are not so fortunate end up selling airtime (no offense), selling cigarettes on a stand or even hawking just to pay the monthly bills.

All this time, you feel like your human dignity has been stripped and wonder why you went to school in the first place. Someone who’s less qualified than you is doing better than you. Some of your ex-classmates are living in the fast lane… Nice car, nice apartment, nice clothes, great boyfriend / girlfriend, exotic trips, shopping whenever. And you? You stand in a long winding queue (that seems to vanish into the horizon), waiting to enter a semi-decent bus to take you to a room (home) you can barley afford. You look at the work you are doing and ask yourself, when will things change? When will I get a decent job? When will my business succeed? When?

Good news is… you’re not alone. Many of the greatest achievers started at the bottom just like you. Abraham Lincoln was once a bartender. The Wright brothers used to repair bicycles. Tyler Perry, entertainment mogul and billionaire, was homeless. He did odd jobs like selling used cars and collecting bills all while trying to finance his dream. Richard Branson, world renowned businessman and billionaire, once sold records from the trunk of his car.

Closer home, Mzee Jomo Kenyatta was once a houseboy. Retired president Kibaki worked as a tout!! Even closer, I meet successful farmers who started with very little. Some started with one cow, now they have a herd. I met one particular farmer who started with 300 Kshs. and used to water his crops with a jug!! He is now a mentor, consultant and millionaire.

Don’t despise small beginnings. They’re there to prepare you. They’re there to show you life is not only about competition and money. They are there to mould your work ethic and character. Unless you accept where you are in life, you can never move on. Where you are, is not who you are. Forget about the success of your friends and work hard in that small position that you have. You may work and even for years see no growth but one day, the shoot will grow. You may be starting a business, working in an organization at the very bottom or even working an odd job to sustain you. Whatever the case, give it your all.

That is the place where God wants you to be, to cultivate humility in you so that you will be able to handle the future success. In the Bible, Joseph was a slave!! David was a shepherd. Paul was a tent-maker. Peter was a fisherman. Jesus was a carpenter. Be patient and don’t despise small beginnings.

Thursday 24 January 2013

Who would you pick

It's election time. There are 4 candidates running for office. Who will you pick as your national leader? Before you vote, please go through their credentials.

Candidate A
  • Kicked out of office twice
  • Sleeps till noon
  • Was bottom of his class in school
  • Used opium in college
  • Drinks a quart of whiskey every evening 
Candidate B
  • Associates with crooked politicians
  • Consults with an astrologist
  • Has had 2 mistresses
  • Chain smokes 
  • Drinks 8 - 10 glasses of martini everyday

Candidate C
  • Teenage girl
  • Humble background
  • Claims to see visions
  • Drops work and runs to church whenever she hears the church bells  

Candidate D
  • Educated
  • Charismatic 
  • Decorated war hero
  • Visionary
  • Vegetarian
  • Doesn't smoke
  • Never cheated on his wife

Vote now!





Candidate A is Winston Churchill
Candidate B is Franklin D. Roosevelt
Candidate C is Joan of Arc
Candidate D is Adolf Hitler

What did Churchill, Roosevelt and Joan have in common? Despite their weaknesses, they went on to become great leaders because of one thing....


Now the next time you feel inadequate, remember some of the greatest names in history were more inadequate than you.

The next time you feel someone else is better than you, remember all that glitters is not gold.

Thursday 10 January 2013

A walk to the summit

For some people, success comes immediately.
For others it comes after repeated failure.
Have you ever worked so hard then failed at something?
How did you feel?

One of my greatest dreams is to climb a mountain.
I think it has so many similarities with life.

A walk to the mountain top is quite a journey.
It may start off easy, then it gets steeper.

Then it gets rocky, then it gets cold.

Then it gets really cold, then the ground becomes slippery.

The closer you get to the summit, the harder it becomes.
Many people are content with seeing the peak from far,
then go back down.

Only few dare to go all the way to the top.

Similarly, a journey through life is like climbing a mountain.
It may start off easy...

...but then it gets steep.

Failures come our way, relationships start to shake,
people start to drift, finances seem to be less.

Then it gets rocky. People betray us, we may lose our jobs,
relationships may end, our business may fail.

Then it gets cold. We feel like we are all alone.
We feel like we have no more fight in us.

So many give up there and go back down
without ever reaching the summit.

But to those few who persevere,
they get to reach the top of the mountain.

And what a view it is.
It cannot be put into words.

It is an experience of a lifetime.
Don't give up on your dreams.

Wednesday 9 January 2013


  1. Freedom Kenyatta IV and Riley Odinga V go head to head in the final lap before the elections. Both promise to stamp out corruption and tribalism.
  2. Police invade eastleigh to draw out illegal Chinese immigrants.
  3. KRA levies taxes on bribes: Police, City Council protest.
  4. Republic of Kenya to import titanium from the Republic of Mombasa.
  5. Robot doctors to replace human doctors after doctors’ strike enters 10th week.
  6. Government to introduce intercoms to replace striking teachers. Only 2% of teachers will be retained.
  7. Ancient gadget iPhone 5 to be displayed in Nairobi Museum.
  8. Archaeologists discover elephant bones in the Tsavo.
  9. Tupac releases 20th album.
  10. Legendary musician Blue Ivy Carter turns 78.
  11. Amelia Earhart’s plane found on Mount Kenya.
  12. Nyahururu church of the mountain sect go into hiding as sect leader prophesies end of the world.
  13.  Still together after 12 years: Couple shocks nation
  14. Harambee stars proceed to the semi-finals 10 months after KFF disbanded.
  15. Clandestine Biochemists introduce marijuana gene into spinach.
  16. Police find huge consignment of plasma guns in eastleigh.
  17. Police reforms to occur after the 2090 elections: Senators promise.
  18. Asian business man grabs land in mars as aliens cry foul.
  19. US votes in 2nd black president K’Owino MacOnyango. Democrats celebrate.
  20. MRC and Al-Shabab National Party face off in the Republic of Mombasa elections.
  21. Hundreds stranded in underground electric train as KPLC blames power blackouts on rising cost of fuel.
  22. Maendelo ya Wanaume get 4 Billion shillings grant after rise in domestic violence.
  23. ‘Kienyeji’ chicken put in zoo after endangerment report.
  24. County of Turkana donates 400 million shillings to South American hurricane victims.
  25. Maasai herdsman tracks his GPRS enabled cows to the Ethiopian border.
  26. Government rolls out vision 2120 plan.
  27. Panic as normal non-test tube baby is born.
  28. Facebook and Google blamed for widespread senility and obesity in senior citizens.