Thursday 24 January 2013

Who would you pick

It's election time. There are 4 candidates running for office. Who will you pick as your national leader? Before you vote, please go through their credentials.

Candidate A
  • Kicked out of office twice
  • Sleeps till noon
  • Was bottom of his class in school
  • Used opium in college
  • Drinks a quart of whiskey every evening 
Candidate B
  • Associates with crooked politicians
  • Consults with an astrologist
  • Has had 2 mistresses
  • Chain smokes 
  • Drinks 8 - 10 glasses of martini everyday

Candidate C
  • Teenage girl
  • Humble background
  • Claims to see visions
  • Drops work and runs to church whenever she hears the church bells  

Candidate D
  • Educated
  • Charismatic 
  • Decorated war hero
  • Visionary
  • Vegetarian
  • Doesn't smoke
  • Never cheated on his wife

Vote now!





Candidate A is Winston Churchill
Candidate B is Franklin D. Roosevelt
Candidate C is Joan of Arc
Candidate D is Adolf Hitler

What did Churchill, Roosevelt and Joan have in common? Despite their weaknesses, they went on to become great leaders because of one thing....


Now the next time you feel inadequate, remember some of the greatest names in history were more inadequate than you.

The next time you feel someone else is better than you, remember all that glitters is not gold.

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