Thursday 10 January 2013

A walk to the summit

For some people, success comes immediately.
For others it comes after repeated failure.
Have you ever worked so hard then failed at something?
How did you feel?

One of my greatest dreams is to climb a mountain.
I think it has so many similarities with life.

A walk to the mountain top is quite a journey.
It may start off easy, then it gets steeper.

Then it gets rocky, then it gets cold.

Then it gets really cold, then the ground becomes slippery.

The closer you get to the summit, the harder it becomes.
Many people are content with seeing the peak from far,
then go back down.

Only few dare to go all the way to the top.

Similarly, a journey through life is like climbing a mountain.
It may start off easy...

...but then it gets steep.

Failures come our way, relationships start to shake,
people start to drift, finances seem to be less.

Then it gets rocky. People betray us, we may lose our jobs,
relationships may end, our business may fail.

Then it gets cold. We feel like we are all alone.
We feel like we have no more fight in us.

So many give up there and go back down
without ever reaching the summit.

But to those few who persevere,
they get to reach the top of the mountain.

And what a view it is.
It cannot be put into words.

It is an experience of a lifetime.
Don't give up on your dreams.

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